E48 – 48: How To Create The Business You Love With Yasmine Robles

Today we are chatting with Yasmine Robles!
Yasmine is an expert at glitter bombing your digital empire! She has over 8 years of design experience and her passion lies in landing her clients their dream clients. She does this by strategically creating drool-worthy graphics and websites that turn leads into paying customers. She is also a wife, mother, empowerer of women and girls to stand up, and a lover of tacos, margaritas, and Latin music!
We kick off the episode with Yasmine sharing her story on why she left her 9 to 5 and how she created her business, Robles Designs. She talks about some of the struggles she encountered upon becoming an entrepreneur like how to get out of the 9 to 5 mentality.
Yasmine discusses the things that she and her family gave up when she became an entrepreneur. She had to give up her Starbucks coffee, clothing subscriptions, and other things. But she realized that fun does not have to equal spending money and that there is so much to do that is free or relatively inexpensive. We all agree that the freedom and flexibility that come with entrepreneurship outweigh the stability that a normal job can give someone.
Finally, she lets us in on her advice for someone who is on the fence about becoming an entrepreneur. Yasmine believes communication with your support person is crucial. She also thinks if you are lacking a support system to go to networking events and find your tribe. And that the biggest barrier we all face is our mindset.
Here are some more highlights:
- How Yasmine found her niche and what services she would offer
- Getting into a CEO mindset
- Creating other streams of income to help support her family
- The power of networking events and to know which events are right for you
- The Digital Hustle Tribe
- Not being afraid of past mistakes
Let’s take a listen!
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Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show
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