E29 – 29: Who We Look Up To: Does It Matter?


In this week’s episode, Rachel and Erin discuss what makes a good role model or mentor. The girls believe that we all need to be looking at who we follow and why. And are these people providing real, authentic value to our lives.

Rachel and Erin dive into if social media influencers are worth following. They ask the tough questions of how to know if the influencers are promoting things to make money and gain more followers? Or do they truly believe in these products and what they stand for?

The girls also talk about what to look for in a mentor. Rachel says a mentor should have walked the path before you. Those who have really experienced what you are aiming for can offer and guide you in the best way. They both agree that one of the most important things to look for in a mentor is someone who can provide VALUE to you and your life.

Lastly, they say to do your homework when looking for a mentor or role model. Do your due diligence, check their track record and see if their results align with what you want. And don’t be afraid to connect with followers or clients of these potential mentors. These people will be able to tell you if this mentor is someone you really want to look up and follow.

If you have been looking for a new mentor or role model then this episode is for you!

Let’s take listen!


Erin’s Instagram: @erin_travelsforlife

Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks

The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast


  1. “It’s a lot of noise.” -Erin
  2. “Look for a mentor, not the next best thing.” -Rachel
  3. “People show themselves as an expert in a lot of areas where they’re not.” -Erin
  4. “Do your homework!” -Rachel
  5. “Pay attention to who you are following.” -Erin