E151 – 151: Finding Your Way as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur with Nikki Arensman

Building an online business is not easy. And it’s even more difficult when you really aren’t sure what you want to do or even like to do! And on top of that, you add in everything that there is to invest in for your business, like your brand! Nikki Arensman is a Brand Designer and Strategist who saw a need for those brand new entrepreneurs who are really just getting started with their business. She shares her incredible story of how she got to where she is today and so much more.
Rachel and Erin chat with Nikki about:
+ Her very first business
+ Losing her identity after a lot of major life changes
+ How she reinvented herself
+ What she felt like was missing when it came to brand design for new entrepreneurs
+ How we are people have multiple interests that aren’t always linear
+ And how throughout her journey she has learned to just trust the process
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Let’s Connect:
Nikki’s Website: https://www.nikkiarensman.com/
Nikki’s Instagram: @nikkiarensman
Nikki’s FREE Quiz: How Binge-Worthy is your Brand?
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
The Confident Woman Collective Instagram: @theconfidentwomancollective
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- “I went through this period of just because I know how to do it doesn’t mean I need to be doing it” – Nikki Arensman
- “If you like a lot of different things, I think there is a lot of value in finding where people are experiencing you the best.” – Nikki Arensman
- “I think that figuring out your sweet spot is an organic process that happens through trial and error and just over time.” – Nikki Arensman