E150 – 150: How to Start and Build a Business Without Losing Your Sanity

How are we supposed to build and run a successful business and still keep a respectable work/life balance? How do we get clear on what we need to do in order to start a business and how do we build it around our current lifestyle? How do we do it all, do it well, and keep our sanity? A member of The Confident Woman Podcast Facebook Community asked these fantastic questions and in this week’s episode, Rachel and Erin are discussing all the answers.
They chat more about:
+ Getting crystal clear on the goals and intentions for your business and what it may mean for your current lifestyle
+ How flexibility will need to be a necessity because (let’s be real) shit happens
+ Challenging yourself to be resourceful
+ How to stay intentional and mindful in your research so that you don’t get stuck in comparison mode
+ How it is completely impossible to do it alone – no one really does
+ Creating SMART goals to set yourself up for success
+ And so much more!
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Let’s Connect:
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
The Confident Woman Collective Instagram: @theconfidentwomancollective
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- “If you don’t have clarity, set an intention to avoid the confusion.” – Rachel
- “Know how much time and effort you want to put into your business in the beginning and be clear and realistic about what that looks like.” – Erin
- “Just know that there’s going to be some sacrifice at some point and you have to decide what it is by prioritizing what’s got to go to be able to fit this new business into your life because they take time.” – Erin
- “You can’t plan and prepare for the unpredicted” – Rachel