E143 – 143: Living a Beautiful, Well-Fashioned Life with Candace Read


Ever walk into a closet full of clothes and feel like you have nothing to wear? Most women do, and it’s honestly pretty frustrating, isn’t it? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a defined style with a wardrobe that matched? To get dressed every day in an outfit that just feels like the perfect expression of you, and it be flattering! This week, Rachel and Erin, pick the brain of style enthusiast, Candace Read. From competing for Miss America to becoming a full-time stylist and fashion influencer, Candace has always let her passions lead the way. Her journey has led her into a fulfilling career helping women everywhere look and feel their best.

The girls chat more about:

+ Finding your style “DNA”

+ What you should do about those sentimental pieces of clothing that hang around for years

+ The magic of a versatile wardrobe

+ Tips on how to shop with purpose and not on impulse

+ Utilizing accessories as a powerful finishing detail of an outfit

+ How every step in our journey teaches us and leads us to the next thing

+ And so much more!


Candace’s Instagram: @candacemread

Candace’s Website: https://www.candacemread.com/

Erin’s Instagram: @the.erin.klein.show

Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks

The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast

The Confident Woman Collective: https://www.theconfidentwomancollective.com


  • “We don’t have endless dollars to spend on clothing, so how can we take it and adapt it and make it work for us.” – Candace
  • “Clothing is a unique way to communicate a little piece of who we are.” – Candace
  • “Oftentimes the difference between a great outfit and a fantastic outfit is an earring, a necklace, and a bracelet.” – Candace
  • “We’re all our own individual beings so just because we like something, doesn’t mean it will work for everyone else.” – Candace