E107 – 107: What Health & Fitness Are Really About

Losing weight. Getting skinnier. Fitting in the smaller pant size. That’s what health and fitness are all about, right? WRONG!
In part 6 of our 12-week series, Erin and Rachel sit down to chat about what health and fitness really mean and how you can start taking action today!
Tune in as we discuss:
❥ Creating an overall healthy lifestyle from within
❥ How you can create and manage to build a maintain a body you love
❥The trifecta to living life as your best and most confident self – a healthy body, a positive mindset, and a soul filled with self-love and gratitude
❥ And so much more!
Let’s take a listen!
Erin’s Instagram: @erin_travelsforlife
Rachel’s Instagram: @iamrachelbrooks
The Confident Woman Podcast Instagram: @theconfidentwomanpodcast
Fitness + Lifestyle Resources: iamrachelbrooks.com/resources
- “Where is the longevity and what is your end goal?” – Rachel
- “Take a nice little cruise for life.” – Erin
- “How would life look different if we didn’t even have to lose the weight to get to the fun stuff? – Rachel
- “You can find things that you enjoy doing that you like, but you can make them a part of a healthy lifestyle for you.” – Erin
- “Finding the fun in fitness is so important.” – Rachel